Today has been a beautiful day all thanks to a visit to see my dearest friend Tammi and a great natural medium.
I only stayed for an hour just to get.out of the house and some fresh air as well it was a.nice day.
Arrived at the shop and we started doing an oracle card reading session in between customers coming in for vape juice etc.
Both of our readings we did for each other, shuffling the cards etc asking the question we so wanted to know.
Cards came out did.the other readings I have had the other couple of days with different oracle cards say the same thing. Patience and you will be rewarded go with the flow enjoy the now.
Forget the past because it will be your future.
Enough said about that.
I did a reading for Tammi and it was the same for her question was answered for her too.
After saying thank you to the universe for reading we packed away the cards.
Next was beautiful we could smell chips and then a little voice said hello mummy, Tammi could see Two of my kids Grace who is 5 and my son Scott. They both looks similar with blond(e) hair.
Scott was on the floor playing with cars we could hear Brummmmm brummm.
My legs were freezing cold as I felt Grace sitting on my knee and banging her feet on my crocs I could feel her little feet on mine, then she was answering my questions clairaudiently saying yes I am enjoying school, I love you mummy, I miss you.
She also remembered her getting very dirty with her Nana, she had a white dress on and wellies splashing in muddy water, Tammi said that Grace told her she was grubbing but it was fun.
Scott didn't say much he was playing with his cars.
Then we heard a woman's voice say come on kids time to go say goodbye to your mam.
Gary's mam my kids Nana come to take them back to school,.it was there lunch time.
The chips smell we could smell was Grace eating them on my lap. We did ask where she got them from, Grace said daddy.
Then with a flash and silence then had gone and a whisper.of Bye mam.
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