Today has been a weird mind blowing day.
I witnessed two crossing over to the light. My weird beautiful funny wacky husband being a romantic idiot.
It started off a little sad as I had been watching a film called the in between which was about a soul being trapped between the other side and the earth plane,
When souls are in between they have unfinished business to do before going to the light.
The film reminds me of Gary and myself quite painful to watch but seems so real and true. Most of what I have since I have experienced myself.
I haven't finished watching the film.
I stopped watching it and cried a bit more. I knew Gary was around me as I felt cold.
I know I heard him say I'm SORRY.
I had to do some shopping so I popped out to see my friend Tammi and then go and do the shopping.
Left the house walked to the shop Tammi said about this man in spirit who she described in detail.
It was kinda weird because this man had been coming to the shop popping in for the last two weeks since he had crossed.
Today we found out who it was.
With all the evidence coming from Tammi and clairaudiently myself we found out it was Robin Foy it was unbelievably real and so surreal to have him visit.
I knew Robin myself as I had followed him when he did the scole experience in the 90s.
Now I spoke to Robin when he was on the earth plane and helped me a lot with some experiments with spirit I did myself.
Eg the film test. Let me explain I have two black and white 35mm photography film in black containers that have not been used.
I asked Gary if he would touch them and put images on them of himself. He said ok will do.
I left them downstairs where they could be found by Gary. Over night he touched them.
Since that night which was well over a year ago I still haven't had the courage to develop them as I'm scared.
Now today something made me realise I need to develop these films to see what is on them.
First thing was the film the in between.
Second thing was Robin Foy telling me to develop them as he had been talking to Gary himself in spirit.
Robin also mentioned that he liked my Gary said he was a funny man and he loves me very much.
Lots of things were happening at that moment. Robin mentioned Davilson Silva which is now my adopted papa who has told me a lot of things about my Gary and yes Davilson is a real genuine medium.
I will post the evidence written by Tammis fair hand below at the end of this blog.
With a bit of help from me and the necessary information told to us. Robin had been sent to the light feeling grateful and thankful.
After Robin had been sent to the light.
A young woman called Megan in spirit walked in from the week before saying she wasn't dead and was looking for her parents.
This time she knew she was in limbo and come to terms that she wasn't physical anymore and wanted to know more about the light. You could feel her scared energy around the shop.
Myself and Tammi tried to help her by saying the other side isn't a horrible place. Then another woman in spirit came in called Deborah which happened to be Megan's Auntie.
Gary was still here hiding from the light as he refuses to go because of me and unfinished business to attend too.
Eventually with the help from Megan's Auntie she went to the light and we heard her say thank you I'm free now.
Its funny that Gary doesn't want to go to the light he hides when it comes twice today.
Megan asked is he going, meaning Gary. And Robin Foy knew Gary wasn't going with him to the light because Robin knew why Gary was here for (ME in 2 years time).
Confirms everything is real.
Confirming visitations from my great grandfather, my nan, my dad,
Tammi had her son Grayson pop in to say you are doing great mummy. (Natural medium). She was visually given a bunch of daffodils. Which is Tammis favourite flower.
Tammi picked up some jealousy from me because of her gifts and how Gary interacts with her.
Message from Gary through Tammi don't get jealous, it is you I love no one else.
Gary and Tammi seem to have a lot in common and we seem to be in the same soul group.
There was a very strong energy burst in the shop today but it was draining us of energy as Tammi and myself seem to work together in unison.
It was a good day today apart from crying this morning and wishing I was with Gary.
You will find images of the two written evidence from Tammi what she had heard and described.
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