Oh my Gosh, five minutes ago. My phone rang.
It showed up as a friend called Matt ringing me.
I answered it and it wasn't Matt on the end of the phone it was someone else
I heard a voice a familiar voice say hello Debbie it's Gary. I hung up I heard Ian his head chef talking about pumpkins. Oh Frigging awesome.
I'm trying to get my head round what is happening.
I messaged Matt just to confirm was it him who called me.
This is what he said (copy and Paste actual text message)
I said did you ring me?
No i didn't hun x Matt's message
Reason I asked was I think my husband Gary has used your phone. I answered and thought it was you. I heard a man in a Yorkshire accent said hello Debbie my it's Gary. And heard people in the background.
Ok well I'm sure it wasn't me. Matt's message.
Well I am sure it wasn't you who said hello. And you won't phone me sweetie because you are shy and autistic.
No u told me that you were partley deaf because of covid Matt's message.
I have had three phone calls from Gary using Matt's phone.
To prove it I have a screen shot of the call history
I have cropped the phone number for privacy reasons.
Obviously a typical example of electronic voice phenomena (EVP).