Afternoon everyone,
Just another chance of having a go at visual itc to see what happens and low and behold more images are coming through.
Some are clearer than others but I recognise them as my family.
Before I start my visual itc session I ground myself as for protection to keep me safe while I do this session.
Having the ability to hear spirit clairaudiently is good.
Which seems to be my strongest sense, I sometimes see spirit in my minds eye or see orbs of light and shadows without a camera.
Now these images are of my children who were born to be spirit not physical as I am. Life only happened for a short time in my womb then didn't develop anymore.
I have a couple of clear images of their dad.
A group photo of Gary with some of my kids, it's not mega clear but I knew who they were.
Life continues after this body gives out it is actual real proof that these images are not manipulated apart from Brightening a little.
Below are the images of my kids and their dad my Gary.
Ellie and her dad they look like there in a photo Booth being silly, Gary just manages to get into the shot (his half a face with his tongue sticking out)
Grace with her hands over her mouth calling someone.
Gary in the middle with a couple of my children, it's not perfect but being told it was them made my day.
Dylan my second eldest son, I asked for him to come through and he did he is a clever young man of 19 who has a good job exactly the same as his older living brother on this earth plane.
One of my daughters not sure which one it is as its not full in the image. But I am sure I will find out.
This is one of my children but which one I do not know I can show you it is my child and Gary's child by adding this other collage image.
Below is the image which is above but bigger.
Just to prove my point that you can have and make children on the other side.
As before can you see the real proof that Grace is real and our daughter.
And finally their dad who half appeared in this image I received.
here is images just to prove it two are of him when he was alive the other one was from Davilson Silva (my adopted papa who lives in Brazil)
Thank you for reading feel free to say ask questions.
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